
Please note that the Practice will be closed on Monday 16th September for the public holiday. We will re-open as normal on Tuesday 17th September. If you require medical assistance during this time, please call NHS24 on 111.

Engage Your Visitors!

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Please note that the surgery will be closed on Monday 16th September due to the public holiday. We will be open as normal on Tuesday 17th September. Should you require medical attention during this time, please call NHS24 on 111.

Multi-Disciplinary Teams

Health and care professionals provide care as a local team. This means that the right people can work together to ensure your care is planned and co-ordinated. They work within strict rules and focus on getting the best outcomes for their patients. They are ethically accountable to their professional bodies for their actions, including on what is appropriate to share and when. Sharing is subject to strict written agreements and/or contracts on how it will be used with tight controls to maintain confidentiality and security.