
Please note that the Practice will be closed on Monday 16th September for the public holiday. We will re-open as normal on Tuesday 17th September. If you require medical assistance during this time, please call NHS24 on 111.

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Please note that the surgery will be closed on Monday 16th September due to the public holiday. We will be open as normal on Tuesday 17th September. Should you require medical attention during this time, please call NHS24 on 111.


Edinburgh Health & Social Care Partnership

You may refer yourself using the appropriate forms for the following problems: MSK problems, Bladder problems and Walking Aids. Follow the link to the NHS Lothian Website to complete a self-referral form.
0131 242 1000

Musculoskeletal (MSK) Services

This service can help by: finding out if you need to see a doctor, providing key information and advice to help with your problem, referring you to a physiotherapist or podiatrist if you need it.

NHS 24 MSK Help app

The NHS 24 MSK Help app was developed with the help of Scottish patients, doctors, MSK therapists, pharmacists and employment services. The information contained in this app is linked to muscle, bone and joint self-management information on NHS inform.