No matter which, if any, gender you identify with, it’s important you’re aware of which screening services you’re eligible for.
Community Health Index (CHI) number
Your Community Health Index (CHI) number:
is a record of your date of birth and identifies you as male or female. This number unique to you
All NHS screening programmes in Scotland identify people who are eligible for screening through their CHI number.
Changing your CHI number
We understand that you may or may not wish to change your CHI number and have provided information to help you make an informed choice around accessing screening.
If you’d like to change your CHI number, speak to your GP.
Screening information for the transgender community
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening
Further information
If you’re unsure about what you’re eligible for, what you will or won’t be automatically invited for or have any questions about the screening service phone the surgery or the NHS inform helpline
National Gender Identity Clinical Network
You can also visit the NHS Scotland National Gender Identity Clinical Network website for more details about NHS gender services, and help and support for trans and non-binary people in Scotland.